The Norse Women's Fiber Hall began in the Fall of 2003. For five years now, woman all over the world have come together in a single place, a Bower, to share their wisdom and knowledge of fiber crafts - much as it would have been in the past

The women in the Fiber Hall work hard at making items for their friends and family. We also work at finding ways to incorporate our religious symbols into everyday items - a tea cosy with runes of blessing, or a hat knitted with a Thorr's Hammer, mittens with Ravens or a blanket with Sleipnir and Odin. Each women creates not only a magickal link, but a piece of Fiber Art.

Last Yule, a decision was made to start a Norse Women's Fiber Hall Contest. This year we decided to start with a simple project, a hat. As you see below, we have 3 women who have worked hard to design a hat with the following theme:
...the hat you submit should reflect either Norse culture, The Old Norse religion, Norse Gods/ Goddesses; even events in our history.


Lord of the Woods

For me, it is all about the Gods and Goddesses - even in the most mundane of task They come rushing in. While playing with wool and dyes, the greens that I saw reminded me of the woods, before I knew it images came flashing in, and this hat is the result.

Diana from Montana
This hat was made from homespun yarn.
Click to see how homespun yarn is made.

Well & Tree

The symbols that came to mind when this contest was proposed were Yggdrasil and the Well of the Norns. I felt that the wave edging was the best way to show the well, and the strong lines of the stripe lace pattern would give the strength of the trunk of the World Tree.

Jayde from Nevada


I thought it should convey the message that we practice Asatru in order to lead a free, responsible and good life. That religion, every religion, in fact, should give us strength and power and well-being to make the best and most of what the Norns had in store for us when we were born.

Ulrike from Germany

With support from our community (yes, you), we will be able to hold this contest every year.
Please donate using the Pay pal button. The funds that we collect will be used to give a small award to the winner.

Thank you to those who contributed to help fund this years contest
Donate $5.00